Update: 2016!!

Starting up the 2016 Summer Blog: Check back for frequent posts.

Both my work and influences.

This is a photoset from December. 


Britches Clothing - Summer Shoot

Britches Clothing Summer Shoot

Here are a few selects from a shoot over this past summer. Images created for the clothing store's social media and advertising. 

Looks: Mickey Moulder

Model: Anna Heidinger  

Thanks to help from assistants Asa Lory and Rachel Trout

Old Portraits

Back when we thought we were going to start a magazine I shot these photos real quick. 

Magazine fell through, but I found the photos. Kinda cool I guess.

Griz at The Blue Note

I had the opportunity to shoot DJ and saxophonist Griz Thursday night at The Blue Note in Columbia. Great show photographing from both sides of the barricade. 

What Would Mickey Wear Summer Shoot

Fun shoot with stylist Mickey Moulder from a few weeks back.  Here are a few selects. 

Check out Mickey's Blog here: http://whatwouldmickeywear.tumblr.com/

Thanks to assistants Michael Krebs and Michael Cali. 

Friday Portrait

Fun little shoot I did with my roommate Friday afternoon. We were experimenting with reflecting sunlight with multiple reflectors.

Here is the reflector setup. This created a nice key coming in from camera right for the final image. 

To keep the highlights from blowing out, I underexposed by 3 stops and pushed the raw file to bring back the inside.

Here is the final image:

First Post

I am starting to do a bit of blogging of current work and other fun shoots. Stay tuned for hopefully weekly/biweekly updates.